
Life Group Material - Integrity - Let Your Yes Be Yes and Your No Be No PART 2

This material is for use in Life Groups and personal reflection. Let's take a look at part 2 of 'let your yes be yes and your no be no' as Darren talks about integrity and what it means to live with integrity.


Life Group Material - Let Your Yes Be Yes and Your No Be No

This material is for use in Life Groups and personal reflection. Jesus makes it pretty clear in his teaching about truthfulness and promise-making that there are no levels of truthfulness. Jesus simple states that your yes and your no should be uttered as if they are oaths made in the name of the God.


Life Group Material - Patient Endurance

This material is for use in Life Groups and personal reflection. The importance of bearing up under pressure and being steadfast under fire which actually is the true meaning of the word patience. We all face dark and difficult seasons, but Christians should not hibernate and give up, whatever the circumstances we should endure for the sake of Jesus.


Life Group Material - Trusting An Unknown Future To A Known God

This material is for use in Life Groups and personal reflection. We might have the best plans in the world, but James makes it clear that if God is not part of those plans, then we are heading into enemy territory. In fact, he goes as far to say that the only plan we need to follow, is the one devised by God.
